1. The first rule when citing any work done by 2 and 1 author is that you must put all the names of the authors followed by the year of publication. E.g.
  • Davis, L. W. (2012). Prospects for nuclear power. Journal of Economic Perspectives26(1), 49-66.

Nuclear power is arguably the safest form of energy generation since it is void of the emission of harmful gasses, such as the burning of fossil fuels for energy (Davis, 49). Most US companies use nuclear-generated energy, which is also reliable for producing large tonnes of electricity. Most US companies use nuclear-generated energy, which is also reliable for producing large tonnes of electricity. The occurrence of an earthquake is generally catastrophic as it leads to loss of life, destruction of property, displacement of the global geography from shifts in the earth’s axis, closure of business, imminent danger to the worldwide infrastructure, and most importantly, the hindrance to nuclear power generation.

  • Hewitt, G. F., & Collier, J. G. (2000). Introduction to nuclear power. CRC Press. 10(2), 4-281.

Nuclear power is arguably the safest form of energy generation since it is void of the emission of harmful gasses as the burning of fossil fuel for energy (Hewitt, & Collier, 67). Most US companies use nuclear-generated energy, which is also reliable for producing large tonnes of electricity. Most US companies use nuclear-generated energy, which is also reliable for producing large tonnes of electricity. The occurrence of an earthquake is generally catastrophic as it leads to loss of life, destruction of property, displacement of the global geography from shifts in the earth’s axis, closure of business, imminent danger to the worldwide infrastructure, and most importantly, the hindrance to nuclear power generation.

  1. Secondly, when citing 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (infinity) number of authors, then you simply cite by using the name of the first author, et al. then a year from the beginning of the in-text citation to the end of citing the work by these authors. e.g.
  • Deutch, J., Moniz, E., & Todreas, N. (2003). The future of nuclear power. an MIT Interdisciplinary Study, http://web. mit. edu/nuclear power. 3(1), 2-18


  • Deutch, J., Moniz, E., Ansolabehere, S., Driscoll, M., Gray, P., Holdren, J., ... & Todreas, N. (2003). The future of nuclear power. an MIT Interdisciplinary Study, http://web. mit. Edu/nuclear power. 3(1), 2-18

Nuclear power is arguably the safest form of energy generation since it is void of the emission of harmful gasses, such as the burning of fossil fuels for energy. Most US companies use nuclear-generated energy, which is also reliable for producing large tonnes of electricity (Deutch et al., 7). The occurrence of an earthquake is generally catastrophic as it leads to loss of life, destruction of property, displacement of the global geography from shifts in the earth’s axis, closure of business, imminent danger to the worldwide infrastructure, and most importantly, the hindrance to nuclear power generation (Deutch et al., 10).

  1. The fourth rule is to remember to cite the work using various forms of citations; I mean, do not only cite at the end of a sentence all the time; you can interchange the citations to make the work not boring and more academic. E.g.

Nuclear power is arguably the safest form of energy generation since it is void of the emission of harmful gasses, such as the burning of fossil fuels for energy (Davis, 51). According to Hewitt & Collier, most US companies use nuclear-generated energy, which is also reliable for producing large tonnes of electricity (78). The occurrence of an earthquake is generally catastrophic as it leads to loss of life, destruction of property, displacement of the global geography from shifts in the earth’s axis, closure of business, imminent danger to the worldwide infrastructure, and most importantly, the hindrance to nuclear power generation (Deutch et al., 11). Deutch et al. furthermore argue that the earthquakes witnessed in Japan in 2011 were followed by a series of earth tremors and tsunamis that swept the coastline and encroached on some parts of the mainland, thereby endangering the lives of the citizens (89). In a developed society that relies on electricity to run industries, it is unthinkable for the occurrence of earthquakes (Deutch et al., 18). Natural disasters like tsunamis pose a threat to the development and stability of companies. Consequently, the occurrence of such natural disasters and nuclear power plant accidents in Japan is a major concern for any US-based company for various reasons.


  1. Last rule, when citing a direct quote, the above rules are constant only that you must put the page number or minutes where the information was obtained depending on the nature of the source, and the direct quote must be put in quotation marks to reveal it’s a direct quote. i.e. page number of the source is a text/transcript material and minutes if it’s a video source. Remember the page number or the minutes must fall within the range of pages/minutes that are shown in the references. You can’t indicate that the references were obtained from pages 49 to 66 but cite page 68 or page 48; that will be incorrect…

For instance,

  • Davis, L. W. (2012). Prospects for nuclear power. Journal of Economic Perspectives26(1), 49-66.
  • Nuclear Weapons (The History). (Oct 30, 2014). Retrieved from:

Google, which is “derived from the word googol (large numbers), is linked to a variety of industries involved in Internet cloud computing, computer software, computer hardware, and artificial intelligence advertising” (Davis, 51). Denoted as GOOGLE LLC, google is an American search engine company founded by Larry Page in 1998. Google is a subsidiary company of Alphabetical Inc. Nuclear Weapons (The History), 0045minutes), contends that “it is concerned with the advertisement of products, businesses, and other services across the internet.” Google is also a key player in the entertainment industry, as it hosts several music and movie sites. Moreover, Google is a major contributor to the technology and invention platform as it provides an avenue where students and creatives across the globe can interact with educational materials necessary to enhance their knowledge in various fields.











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