Refund Policy

How does it work? is committed to fulfilling its promises. That’s why we have a refund policy in place for clients who are not satisfied with our essay writing services. We assess refund requests submitted by our clients on a case-by-case basis. We may request any proof that shows you received low-quality services. These may include a plagiarism report, AI score report, missed deadline, etc. Once we are satisfied that you indeed received a low deal, we will then go ahead and process your refund.

How do I complain?

You can easily complain through the contact details we have on our website. These contact details include a live chat feature, email and WhatsApp. Our support team is always available around the clock to respond to your refund requests. Please remember to complain immediately if you are not satisfied with our services. For instance, immediately you realize your paper is plagiarized. If you fail to complain on time and do it at a later date, our essay writing service will not be obliged to honor your refund request. So, you must complain within the refund period.

What is the refund period?’s refund period starts from the date you received the order and lasts 72 hours from the date of the order deadline. This means you will have at most three days to request a refund if you are unsatisfied with the custom-written paper uploaded to your client account. If you wait for the refund period to elapse or expire, you will not be eligible for any refund.

When am I eligible to get a 100% refund?

  • If you cancel an order not assigned to any writer, you will be eligible for a 100% refund. Remember that orders are assigned to writers within 20 minutes of placing an order here.
  • We will refund you the second payment if you accidentally pay twice for the same order. In this case, you must contact our support team to initiate the refund process.
  • If you accidentally place two identical orders, we will cancel the second order and refund the amount you paid for it. However, you must notify us immediately to stop assigning the order to a writer. If you fail to contact us, we will assume you needed those two orders done, and we won’t offer you any refund should you complain after we have assigned the writer.
  • If you receive your paper before the deadline and don’t want it anymore, our essay writing service will offer you a 100% refund. In this case, we will have the right to use the paper as a sample.
  • If the level of plagiarism exceeds 8% and you don’t want us to remove it, you can request a full refund. In this case, you must send us a Turnitin plagiarism report as proof of plagiarism.
  • We will offer a full refund if your paper is flagged by legit AI detectors, which is unlikely when you use our essay writing service.

When am I eligible for some refund amount?

  • You are eligible for up to a 50% refund if you cancel the “in progress” order after 3 hours of placing it. We use the remaining amount to compensate the writer we assigned the order to.
  • You are eligible for a 30% refund if you cancel the order “in progress” before the deadline elapses. We use the remaining amount to compensate the writer we assigned the order to.
  • If we missed the deadline for a few hours, but you still need to use the paper, we will refund you 30% of the amount you paid for that order.
  • If you are unsatisfied with the paper after multiple revisions, we will offer you a 50% refund. The remaining amount will be used to compensate the writer for time lost.
  • If the writer missed some instructions, but some parts of the paper are still relevant, our essay writing service will offer you a 30% refund if you don’t want to request any revision.

Are there any cases when there is no refund?

Yes. We will not offer you any refund if:

  • You missed the assignment deadline because you failed to download the paper on time
  • You get a low-grade
  • You are caught using our essay writing service
  • You complain of plagiarism, but the plagiarism report shows there is no plagiarism
  • You complain of low quality but don’t prove that the paper is low quality.

Please submit your refund request via our contact details if you want a refund. We will start investigations when we receive your request. If your refund request is approved, we will reimburse the total amount you are eligible for within two business days. If you have any questions about our refund policy or essay writing service, don’t hesitate to ask our support team.

11. Contacts

For more information, you can contact us through: