2022 Spring Hum Behav & Soc Environment II SEC.01 Chapter 1 Weekly Reflection

2022 Spring Hum Behav & Soc Environment II SEC.01 Chapter 1 Weekly Reflection

Discussion entailing gender, race, and ethnicity have been prevalent across the globe recently. Culture and ethnicity have therefore been a major area of discussion in American society. This chapter critically examines the experiences and challenges of minority groups in the US.

The high level of diversity in the US has brought many challenges. Racial differences resulting from people being judged based on their physical appearance, such as the color of their skin, have brought about the division of whites and blacks. As a result, the minority black people have faced many challenges, with one relating to employment opportunities becoming conspicuous. In addition, individuals belonging to specific religious subgroups find it hard to fit in the society.

Healey (2018) illustrates that the dominant groups have further aligned themselves into distinct social groups stratified in a manner that has influenced the distribution of resources. Gender roles between men and women have also affected the cultural beliefs in society. Individuals with different sexual orientations have also been subjected to discrimination mainly because of the norms in society. Nonnatives have found it challenging to adopt, and thus, they tend to stay in clusters that resonate with their beliefs. In conclusion, prejudice and discrimination against minority groups have highlighted some of the challenges they go through.


Healey, J. F., Stepnick, A., & Eileen, O. (2018). Race, ethnicity, gender, and class: The Sociology of group conflict and change. Sage Publications.

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