Assessment of Eagle Boys Pizza

Executive Summary

            Discussed in the paper are the theoretical concepts related to the issues demonstrated in the Eagle Boys Pizza case study. This includes issues of franchising, marketing, and branding as well as intellectual property. The paper will also describe the components of a successful entrepreneur, which encompass resiliency, focus, proper adaptability, and dedication, as well as exceptional marketing and selling traits. The role of entrepreneurship and innovation concerning the issues discussed in the case study has been covered in the paper as a response to whether entrepreneurship and innovation are the only things necessary for a business manager to build a successful business and to provide examples of the entrepreneurial skills that led to the success of Eagle Boys Pizza.


Table of Contents

Assessment of Eagle Boys Pizza. 2

Executive Summary. 2

Introduction. 2

The Theoretical Concepts Relevant to the Issues Discussed in the Case Study. 2

Components of a Successful Entrepreneur. 4

The role of Entrepreneurship and Innovation concerning the Issues Discussed in the Case Study. 5

Conclusion. 5

References. 6




Assessment of Eagle Boys Pizza


            This essay delves into some of the factors that contributed to the success of Eagle Boys Pizza in Australia. The company was founded in 1987 by Tom Potter at the age of 23 in Albury, New South Wales. Through radical, innovative, and unique marketing and business approaches, Tom Managed to turn a lone pizza store (Eagle Boys) into one of the massive and renowned pizza restaurant chains not only within Australia and New Zealand (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). The essay begins by examining some of the theoretical models pertinent to the matters explored in the case study. The second section explores the components of a successful entrepreneur as the last part examines the role of entrepreneurship and innovation concerning the issues discussed in the case study.

The Theoretical Concepts Relevant to the Issues Discussed in the Case Study

            Among the essential theoretical concepts relevant to the issues discussed in the case study that are presented below are franchising and branding. Franchising serves as one of the most rapidly developing fashions of business across the globe. Franchising can be conceptualized as a form of marketing of services, commodities, or technology that is centered on a close continuing partnership amid financially and legally separate and autonomous undertakings, that is, the individual franchisees and the franchisor, in which the franchisor grants its authority and imposes the mandate to conduct business in conformance with the franchisor’s concept (Bashir & Khan, 2017). The exploitation of a useful yet simple franchising concept was critical to fostering the success of Eagle Boys, Australia (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). After launching a few stores, Eagle Boys recognized that regulating and efficiently governing its entire busy stores across Australia would be a massive challenge (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017).

            Branding involves the development of the distinctive features of a company’s product over time to exclude the company's actual products from those of its contestants (Williams, 2017). Tukker & Tischner (2017) argue that a brand means a service or product that adds dynamics that somewhat distinguish it from other services or products designed to meet similar consumer needs, and this aspect makes branding a strategic business concept. For example, Eagle Boys Pizza enjoys exceptional brand credit and loyalty within Australia, and this is stimulated by the firm's creative, fresh commodities, successful promotion campaigns as well as insightful market research (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). A perfect example of the firm’s most vital element in branding is the pink glow surrounding every store (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). All the company’s stores are decorated with pink colored lights (either in the interior or exterior of the edifice), and this builds a distinctive, warm glow that is promptly detectible (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017).

The Qualities, Skills, and Knowledge of a Successful Entrepreneur

            There exist several entrepreneurial qualities, skills, and knowledge that are inherent in every successful business person, and this includes resiliency and focus. Resiliency refers to the capability to withstand the ups and downs of the business, and it enables entrepreneurs to persist even during moments when the corporate position seems bleak (Baum & Locke, 2004). Besides, after the establishment of a long-term organizational vision, it is vital to be knowledgeable of the manner in which to focus on the subsequent stage to fulfill the ultimate business goal (Abdullah, Hadi & Dana, 2018). However, there exist numerous distractions, especially during the launch of a new business that render the achieving of focus unattainable by many entrepreneurs (Abdullah et al., 2018).

            Other critical entrepreneurial aspects which are dominant within the case study are the excellent marketing and selling attributes. Successful entrepreneurs know that consumers, if not given enough attention, will typically not adequately purchase their existing corporate products (Williams, 2017). They must, thus, undertake an aggressive promotion or advertisement and selling strategies (Hoskisson & Busenitz, 2002). The majority of entrepreneurs via their companies exercise this marketing and selling trait when they experience overcapacity within their businesses with the aim of selling what the market needs (Hoskisson & Busenitz, 2002). Eagle Boys Pizza, for instance, aims to meet the entire market segment within Australia and, therefore, does not just innovate in the domain of desserts (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). The whole pizza encounter concerns being capable of fulfilling either a family or a group of persons of which every family member might have distinctive wants and needs (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). Therefore, the company developed different menu items with various healthy product options (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). The introduction of the new menu led to the improvement of the general quality of the company products as well as the consumer experience (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017).

The Role of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concerning the Issues Discussed in the Case Study

            The role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the case study is demonstrated via Tom Potter’s exploitation of a strange yet creative business and entrepreneurial techniques to assist him in establishing his business and contesting with multi-national corporations (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). One specific exception with respect to Tom’s innovation was Eagle Boy Pizza’s creation of the ingenious two-tiered pizza conveyance box (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). This idea was rooted in the need to establish the means of fitting two pizzas in a single box, however, without the delivery box turning soft and hence negatively altering the consignment’s flavor (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). Most consumers thus took advantage of the company’s two-pizza offers, and creating a cost-effective and useful means to fit 2 pizzas in a single delivery box became a crucial research and development challenge for the company (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017). However, this was advantageous to the firm in the sense that fewer materials were utilized to manufacture the conveyance boxes, which made the firm enjoy 20% savings on delivery box expenditures (Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited, 2017).

            Given the facts discussed above, it is apparent that, indeed, entrepreneurship and innovation are the only things necessary for a business manager to build a successful business. This is because entrepreneurship creates commercial gains and sustains the business’s economy buoyant leading to the significance of innovation while conducting business (Kazanjian, Drazin, & Glynn, 2017). Entrepreneurship innovation enables the development of effective ways of designing services and products or business solutions (Kazanjian et al., 2017). A service company, for instance, can enlarge with other varieties of services to meet the constantly changing consumer needs (Kazanjian et al., 2017).

            As aforementioned, some of the entrepreneurial skills that led to the success of Eagle Boys Pizza were exceptional adaptability and dedication traits as well as proper marketing and selling characteristics (Williams, 2017). Through dedication and adaptability, the firm was able to persevere through the harsh business environments and rapidly adjust to the continuously changing marketing environments (Williams, 2017). Besides, the proper marketing and selling traits exhibited by Eagle Boys Pizza led to its success in the sense that the firm was able to reach all its market segments and achieve consumer satisfaction concerning its products and services (Williams, 2017).


            Despite the success of Eagle Boys Pizza in the field of technological innovation via the development of the two-tire delivery boxes, there still exists the need for the firm to invest in more technological novelty to achieve an even more and better customer experience and enhanced sales. An example of recent technological innovations that the company needs to adopt for better client service is Facebook ordering. Currently, this is the most considerable technological leap since about 90% of restaurant owners plan to exploit Facebook ordering as their menu platform. NetWaiter and ChowNow are some of the firms that specialize in Facebook payment and can help Eagle Boys Pizza get their ordering onto this social media platform. Therefore, it is recommendable for Eagle Boys Pizza to implement Facebook-ordering as it is not only somewhat a cost-effective add-on to make but also possesses the likelihood to increase the company sales.


            In light of the above facts, it is clear that the vital theoretical models pertinent to the matters argued in the case study consist of franchising, marketing and branding, and intellectual property. Besides, among some of the entrepreneurial qualities, skills, and knowledge that are integral for all successful business persons are resiliency and focus, but exceptional marketing and selling traits are the entrepreneurial aspects that are predominant in the case study.

            Moreover, discussed above is the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the success of Eagle Boys Pizza. For instance, the creation of the two-tier delivery boxes was advantageous to the company as fewer materials were utilized to manufacture the boxes, and this made the firm realize a 20% savings on delivery box costs. Therefore, it is clear that, indeed, entrepreneurship and innovation are the only things needed in a business manager to form a successful business, and Eagle Boys used outstanding adaptability and dedication qualities as well as proper marketing and selling features to become successful. Lastly, it is recommended that the company adopt Facebook-ordering as means to attain more and better customer service and sales growth.




Abdullah, N., Hadi, N. U., & Dana, L. P. (2018). The nexus between entrepreneur skills and successful business: a decompositional analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 34(2), 249-265.

Alnguyen Intellectual Property Limited (2017). Eagle Boys Pizza, Australia. Retrieved From:

Bashir, G., & Khan, F. A. (2017). Entrepreneurial Process in Franchised Outlets: Franchisor's Perspective. PACIFIC BUSINESS REVIEW INTERNATIONAL, 10(4), 59-66.

Baum, J. R., & Locke, E. A. (2004). The relationship of entrepreneurial traits, skill, and motivation to subsequent venture growth. Journal of Applied Psychology89(4), 587.

Hoskisson, R. E., & Busenitz, L. W. (2002). Market uncertainty and learning distance in corporate entrepreneurship entry mode choice. Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating a new mindset, 151, 172.

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Williams, R. L. (2017). Origins of Today’s Marketing and Branding Strategies. In Vintage Marketing Differentiation (pp. 1-4). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

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