Business: Consultant to PG Industries












Consultant to PG Industries

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Consultant to PG Industries

In the first growing world of technological advancement, there is an expectation of change in any system that involves production. However, it is important to know how the change can be implemented. Managers are therefore expected to be tactful on how the change can be implemented without resistance from the other staff. The VP for manufacturing in PG industries has to be sober and rational in ways such as;

Involving key stakeholders- this team includes members of the departments where the change is to be implemented. Involving this team in the design and implementation of the new training program is important in this wise; the team gets an explanation on the significance of the program to the institution and the people; they also get time to ask questions and clarity on what they don't understand in the rolling out of the new training program. Finally, those who are involved in decision making in a particular program understand it well and get more competent. As well, these stakeholders get to understand their significance to the company when they are included in the design and implementation (Snell, Bateman, & Konopaske, 2015).

Use covert tactics like involving resisting individuals in the change process. This can be best achieved by giving them some roles in the change process. A good example is inviting a union leader to be part of the executive committee for the change process. By so doing, resisting individuals become less resistant to the rolling out of the program. Ideally, they are made to be part of the change process. Can they continue resisting? Certainly no. When one forms part of the decision-making team, they cannot offer resistance to the program. This impacts the implementation of the new training program (Snell et al., 2015).

Another way that the VP can use to ensure he/she overcomes resistance to change from the employees is by giving incentives to the staff. Increase wages due to the new training program that is to be rolled or even giving bonuses and payment for overtime work. Without offering incentives for some change process, the change may be resisted until the company decides to take another direction or thinks of implementing another. The main reason why the employees get to work is to get remuneration for managing their issues of life. Offering incentives will only stir them up to continue working harder. Resistance to the new training program will be long eliminated in the long run (Snell et al., 2015).

Finally, the VP must make change happen. This involves methods like giving threats to the employees on the possibility of losing their jobs in case they don't comply with the company's demands. This may be by threats of being incompetent by failing to adopt the program. Managers must use force to make change happen. By this, the staff are coerced to comply with the company's demand whatsoever. Some other methods of doing this would be giving threats like; failure to get promotions and giving unattractive responsibilities and tasks. There are enough torture that is enough to stir the employees to adapt a new program. As a manager, one has to make change happen in any way whatsoever (Snell et al., 2015).

Every company desires to be a world class company. Nevertheless, this does not just happen in case the staff is rigid to the changes brought by the company. What then? The company managers must be smart in the most effective ways of implementing change. Without keeping at pace with the existing advances, the company would remain unproductive and would not compete with its competitors (Snell et al., 2015).



Snell, S., Bateman, T., & Konopaske, R. (2015). M: Management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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