Climate Change

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Climate Change

            Climate change, sometimes known as global warming, refers to the variation in the average weather condition of the earth over a long period. This phenomenon has, for a long time, brought severe implications to the planet, thus the need to prevent it from worsening. Over geological time, the planet’s climate has been continuously changing as a result of anthropogenic activities (Nordhaus, 340). Currently, the average temperature across the globe is approximately 150C, unlike in the past when it was slightly much lower, as suggested by geological proof. However, beyond doubt, the present period of global warming is taking place more rapidly than before. This has attracted the concern of scientists that the natural ecological variation is brought about by anthropogenic warming that has a severe effect on the stability of the earth’s climate. Global warming phenomenon is associated with the presence of a high amount of green gases emitted from industries, burning of fossil fuels, and motor vehicle emissions. Such gases include CO2, SO2, SO3, CH3 among others. Given the facts stated above, this paper seeks to compare two online posts regarding climate change by accessing the critical issue addressed in each concerning climate change.

            According to a post by the Editorial Board in Washington, DC, the authors demonstrate that it is time to change the inevitable truth of having limited time on climate change mitigation. Substantial issues of climate have been addressed in the article which needs urgent emergency action to combat climate change before climate alteration transforms the society whose side effects cannot be withstood at all. One of the Key issues addressed is how to reduce greenhouse emissions to the atmosphere, which causes global warming. The authors refer to the Paris agreement that all countries across the globe agreed to keep global temperatures below 200 C. In contrary to this agreement, the Trump administration wants the United States to withdraw from the agreement yet it is one of the leading countries in the globe in the production of greenhouse gases. A report released by the IPCC indicates that failure to combat climate change will lead to severe disasters like the loss of life and severe human health problems.

            In another article concerning environmental matters, by Stephen Leahy, on October 7, 2018, about ‘the impact of climate change,’ the author argues that the impact of climate change will worsen than expected, as warned by the global environmental report. A comprehensive assessment by the IPCC indicates that the consequences and change of about 1.50 C of global warming will be much higher than expected (Leahy, 9). This level of temperature will be realized in the next decade if there is no significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon (iv) oxide, which is the leading greenhouse gas emitted globally (Leahy, 16). The reduction of greenhouse emissions can be achieved via constant reforestation and reduction in the use of fossil fuels. However, the Trump administration is doing contrary to the Paris agreement that all countries in the world should reduce the level of global temperature to avoid the problem of global warming.

            Comparing the two articles described above, there are sufficient similarities in their themes with little difference. For instance, both papers address the issue of climate change by giving a grasp of the whole issue and the current global state concerning climate change. In brief, both articles have identified the global consequences of climate change and call for immediate intervention to combat the phenomenon, such as its negative impacts on human life. About the problem facing the effort to control climate change, they both identify the Trump administration as the key challenge in the United States. However, while both articles share an almost similar theme, the first article discussed above gives an overview of what climate change is and the need to control it before it becomes a problem beyond human control, whereas the latter article emphasizes the substantial consequences of climate change and a possible way of managing it.


            Informed from the above discussion, it can be concluded that climate change is a severe global phenomenon that needs to be addressed immediately before the universe faces dire consequences that are beyond human capacity to control. Local and international entities hence, should work in harmony to ameliorate this phenomenon since the results will affect all, regardless of who caused the event to occur. It is, therefore, a polite call for international cooperation in dealing with this fundamental issue. 

Works Cited

Nordhaus, William. "Projections and uncertainties about Climate Change in an Era of Minimal Climate Policies." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10.3 (2018): 333-60.

Leahy, S. Climate Change Impacts Worse than Expected, Global Report Warns. National Geographic. (2018). Available at: [Accessed December 2022]



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