Contemporary Logistics

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Contemporary Logistics

The name of the logistics consulting firm is Axe Capital. It deals with the transportation of shipped products from overseas. The company has firms in five different locations, especially in places where it has storage facilities and storage containers in place. The main purpose is to have the stored materials in the record just in case they are brought in-store or out of the store. This is to let the responsible department have knowledge of the goods that are in transit and those that are in store more efficiently than in the case of long-distance record keeping. Moreover, the five locations were chosen due to the choice in size, efficiency, and security. The company's main office is located in Baytown TX.

The company has a marketing and scheduling department that is headed by one person who ensures that the company has its name advertised on print media, social media, and television. The marketer is also responsible for the tapping of new clients who will be redirected to the company for services. Since the company deals with overseas products the advertisements are expected to be on a global scale touching global demands. The main headquarters in Baytown has a consultant whose main specialty is to advise clients on the efficiency of transit services. Moreover, the consultant is tasked with the responsibility of informing the company on the strategies to be underpinned to ensure the success of the company is achieved.

Since the five locations are still branches of the main company they will all be secured by the main company documentation that will ensure the subsidiaries and the branches are well protected. Therefore, there will be no meaning of having the companies having separate DBA yet they all are going to work on the same agenda and under the same management.  The five locals will have separate physical addresses. Since they are going to experience traffic on a different scale. Moreover, putting all the companies on one physical address overworks the staff and will lead to the employment of new staff to take care of the consumers. Therefore, the company will have different physical addresses for each of the branches.

Some insurance will be gotten to cover the companies because risks differ. Moreover, the more insurance,  the higher the chances of protection. The company will consider ensuring the companies singly under the main office. By that, it will be easier for all the damages accrued to be well assessed by the responsible insurer. Moreover, premiums will be well paid for. It is easier for the main company to pay for the premiums that will cover all five companies. By this, it means that the five branches will be forced to debit their money into the main company accounts which will be used as premiums and any other factors like liabilities. Accountability will be well ensured.

The company will specialize in electronics, automobiles, and vehicle spare parts. These are products that are in very high demand in the locality. Moreover, the consumer ship scale is high regarding the fact that people are averse to electronic materials. Therefore, the demand to ship the products to the required wholesalers will be on the rise. The startup cost will, therefore, be $500,000. This amount is going to be budgeted as follows; $200,000 for five vehicles, $100,000 for taxations and import duties, $100,000 cost for importations, $80,000 for furniture and stationaries, 10,000 registrations, $10,000 for legal issues.

As the owner of the company, I will not draw in salary for the first 3 years. This is to allow the company to run effectively. However, I will not be expected to input any money from my own pockets. This is to mean that the company will have to run from the funding that I will have input. My employees will be paid monthly. This is to increase their efficiency at work and to have a realistic expectation. Since they have bills to pay and demands to be met they will be put on a monthly salary that will come from the profits that the company will bring along.

Security measures will be included to ensure that the goods in transit are safe and secured. Moreover, the storage locations are going to be highly secured to allow the company properties to be secured from any sort of burglary. This not only maximizes the company rating but also consumer trust. Local securities will be included, moreover, a special security team hired from a recognized firm will be employed to ensure that the best security measures are inputted.

The locations of the startup will not be opened up all at the same time. This will put some ridiculous constraints on the company. Therefore, the locations will be recognized and set aside in preparation for expansion. Immediate opening of the location will put management on stress on management. Therefore, once the company continuously grows, then will the locations be opened. This can be done on a monthly scale. whereby this month one location opens and the next month another opens. These locations were chosen primarily due to the efficiency they have in terms of security and road networks. They are well connected to the main highways and the ease of access from the ports makes it more suitable. Apparently, the weather is also conducive.

The costs will be determined in two ways. First, experts will study the location and the business plan and give the appropriate figures required to keep the company running. Secondly, the total costs required will be thinned down to the starting capital of $500,000. Meaning that every demand will have to fall within the margins of the starting budget.

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