Family and Marriage Therapy





Family and Marriage Therapy

As a Marriage and Family Therapy student, I get to view life with a different perspective and one which forces me to read through the lines of every situation that I come face to face with. By going through the three readings, there are many key points I noted and some of which piqued my interest and made me reflect on my interest in the first place.

The articles have broadened my thinking and perception towards social justice and the importance of advocating for equality among diverse groups of people in society. I have learned the essence of advocating for social justice in the community in my capacity as a therapist by helping people deal with issues affecting them as individuals as well as creating awareness in support of social justice among marginalized groups living within the society.

Through these readings, I noted that many components work together to ensure that society moves on, and one of them is social justice. As per the readings, I also understood how important it is to use family as the first source of reconnection and therapy for any individual. One thing I learned that was new to me is the fact that in the contemporary world, many individuals do not have the awareness of others and this locks them out from becoming complete social beings. While going through these readings, the thing that piqued my interest the most is the fact that some factions of people still view disability as inability while this is not the case. The sexual disability article has positively impacted me into taking sex therapy classes to get accreditation to practice after getting my master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. The certificate will help me foster equality in society as well as help struggling individuals in society.

As a person, this reflects on me, and also as a family and marriage therapist on an objective point. This is so because it awakens more responsibility in dealing with marriages and families, which are very delicate in the current world. I would like the care for the disabled and struggling families to be part of my identity as a professional since family is the starting point of seeking solutions to many challenges that are affecting people, and this would also be the key topic that I would like us to discuss in class.

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