Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations











Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations


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Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations

            The new strain of Influenza would result in the necessity for mass inoculation within any society. It is a means to eradicate a new virus and generate antibodies before it leads to death or any symptoms. One needs to determine several things via public health databases before implementing this program. Among the things to explore encompass the population within age sets, the societal makeup as well as the history of the vaccine (Matney et al., 2011). The public health data might further comprise how frequently and far people have traveled as well as the diversity of the affected population. Moreover, it is not only crucial to determine the number of persons who have already contacted influenza with the new strain but also which zones of the society are the most exposed.

            I would be in a position to locate public health data from diverse databases, and one such database is the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Wonder. This was established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the aim of providing resources and information on the illness that has been discovered to the public (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). CDC Wonder further encompasses data about populations, mortality, and the environment. One needs to examine several reports to measure the success of such a program. Upon reviewing the site, citizens can view reports regarding the usefulness of vaccines that will measure whether the program is successful. The report is further classified into various times to help the public conclude if it was a mass inoculation program that led to those particular outcomes. Public health officials can hence communicate this to other societies or deliberately submit their investigation to the website. The information might then be gathered to measure if the program is useful to confirm the number of persons portraying instances of similar influenza as well as check their locations. Upon the approval that the occurrence of the disease is lower and that the geographic region is far away from the program’s site, then it can be concluded that the program is successful. After the assessment, the determination of whether the submission is proper and efficient is made which is followed by the posting of the report on the site. Any person might deliberately be capable of seeing this information. This information can also be communicated by publishing it and submitting it to the World Health Organization.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). Retrieved from

Matney, S., Brewster, P. J., Sward, K. A., Cloyes, K. G., & Staggers, N. (2011). Philosophical approaches to the nursing informatics data-information-knowledge-wisdom framework. Advances in Nursing Science34(1), 6-18.




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