Nursing: Case Study












Nursing: Case Study

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Nursing: Case Study

            Amy’s case has made me anxious to understand how best I can deal with both children and adolescents. Her case explains how numerous such situations are among individuals in that age bracket. Therefore, if a positive solution can be found in such a short time, then it is worth tapping my desire to be part of the nurses who will deal with the case.

The case of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) has only enlightened me and given me the little knowledge I need. Moreover, the symptoms that come with the condition hint at some of the cases that I will be dealing with. For that matter, it will be easier for me to predict the type of condition a patient has if the symptoms are similar or relatively similar to the situation explained by Amy. Furthermore, the case stirred up special emotions in me. First, I got concerned about what are the possible treatments that could be taken. Secondly, I was relieved when after treatment Amy could be able to reinstate her original passions in music and normal life.

Just like Amy, some of the diagnoses that would be considered would include; a physical exam by just asking questions about the client’s health, a complete blood count and thyroid test, and a psychiatric evaluation which is based on asking questions about symptoms, patterns of behavior and thoughts. DSM-5 which is based on the criteria listed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder can also be used to diagnose MDD.DSM-5 is a publication of the American Psychiatric Association. Emotional withdrawals, phobias, anger, lack of appetite, insomnia, or even nutritional deficiencies are some of the symptoms that come with depressive cases. Management of the symptoms would be the prescription of Vitamin B drugs that would stimulate the patient's appetite. Secondly, I would recommend a therapist who would help the client relax her mind, this happens when the client has possible passions that can be invested in, in Amy’s case it was playing guitar.

I am comfortable when patients diagnosed with depression are put on medications. Medication management is the best clinical solution that has helped solve many cases of depression. This may not be the case for all patients, some patients particularly children do have different depression levels to adults. Therefore, it is easier to question a child and comprehend how best to solve the issue without using medication, for instance, some children and adolescents may sink into depression due to bullying or factors that can be solved by putting them in a new environment. Some of the alternative remedies for MDD would be to use Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TSM).In this method, a coil is placed against one’s scalp which would send magnetic pulses. This stimulates brain nerve cells involved in regulating mood. However, TSM is not a good recommendation for Amy. It is a wonderful alternative to clients who have failed to respond to antidepressants. Electroconvulsive therapy(ECT) would also be considered an alternative but this is also a beautiful alternative for those clients who cannot use medication or are not doing well with antidepressants. Amy was doing well with antidepressants. ECT is therefore not a good recommendation for his case.

Many families may resist pharmacological interventions. In this case, they may opt for therapies. Apparently, I would let myself understand why they are against pharmacological treatment. There could be reasons behind their decision. Chances are high there was an experience that may not have augured well with them. As a nurse, I would give many alternative solutions that can be done to help solve the situations. I would give reasons why the alternatives may not be the most preferred, maybe they may take a long time, or they may be too costly.

Information such as that of Amy is quite significant in this class. I would technically research the subjects related to Major Depressive Disorders and let myself understand the root causes and effects. Moreover, I would appreciate records of cases that are similar to the condition from other medical experts who have dealt with the cases before. By that, I would be able to put myself to the reality of the cases that are being reported and how they were handled. In my class work, discussions of MDD cases and related conditions would be significant in helping put familiarity on the table. A continued discussion would help me and other colleagues understand the situations and determine how they can be solved in a more efficient way


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