










Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Electrical Consumership 5

Refrigerators 6

Household air conditioners 6

Washing machine & Dryers 6

Storage water heaters 7

Water fixtures 7

Water Sensors 8

Solutions 8

Conclusion 9

Reference list 11





Literature Review

            Sustainability is the process whereby there is the maintenance of a balanced environment (Cook et al., 2012, 46). In this way, the exploitation of resources, the directions of investments, and the orientation of technological development meet human needs and desires. Researchers Sayigh (2013, 67) and Rakhshan et al. (2013, 103), define sustainability as the socio-ecological process that is characterized by the pursuit of common ideals. Nonetheless, sustainability is significant, since, it upholds a healthy ecosystem and environment (Cook et al., 2012, 48). This makes it conducive to the survival of human beings and organisms living in it.

                        Sustainability is in existence with theories that are related to it. The theory of climate change has impacted the likeliness of natural resources and the capacity to support sustainable economic development (Herteg et al., 2012, 128). They further suggest that climate change occurs when the earth's system results in a new weather pattern that may last for a few decades. The climate system receives its energy from the sun with at least a small amount from the earth's interior (Herteg et al., 2012, 128). Due to the topic’s relevance, natural steps and definitions are expressed in the theory.

Problem statement

            The problem statement associated with Dubai is the limited resources of water and electricity in Dubai. Apparently, the rapid urbanization in Dubai raises questions about the environmental risks environmentally. The simple basics such as wastewater treatments and provision of fresh water in addition to the major industrial projects that rely heavily on so much electricity are just but a few factors that bring stress to the environment. The intense growth has made people forget about the environment. As Isa et al. (2015, 440) argue, the biggest challenge in Dubai currently is water, which in this case may be accessible everywhere in the gulf but is undrinkable without desalination plants.

            Meanwhile, industrial projects such as steel and aluminum smelting companies require large amounts of electricity (Isa et al., 2015, 441). A clean renewable energy source is needed so that the sustainability of society is achieved. The companies can begin by the displacement of current dependence on very problematic power sources such as oil, natural gas, and uranium (Isa et al., 2015, 448). The creation of such energy sources depends heavily on environmental conditions. Apparently, wind energy can be harnessed when it is windy, solar energy can also be acquired since it is dependent on sunlight.


            The research employed a number of methodologies in order to collect the information that would be used in this literature review as well. A survey was conducted in the city. The survey involved a number of questions which were to be answered by the residents and manufacturers to give a picture of how sustainability was being contained at both the consumer level and the manufacturer level. The research was quantitative. The research was used to save electricity and water consumption by giving a reflection of what was happening on the ground. Manufacturers would explain what effort they are making to produce sustainable products, whereas consumers would explain how the products have influenced them. The research was so important to give a projection of how Dubai’s water and electricity are being sustained.

The research question was; how can Dubai sustain progress or development in the industry sector with limited resources? With the presence of fastened industrial growth, the research is attempting to give a possible solution that can be employed in homes and offices. With the increasing population in the city, the demand for sufficient water which is clean and reliable is unavoidable. Moreover, the industrial growth also demands an enormous supply of electricity that will be able to sustain the companies and the city consumer ship at large. This review is set to address the issues in a more detailed way.

Thesis statement

The thesis of this essay will highlight sustainability in Dubai. This includes steps to be followed to ensure that water and electricity are being saved in Dubai and the UAE at large. It will be a reflection of the research that was made among the residents on the consumption rates of water and energy in their households. Moreover, the essay will particularly be based on home utility appliances and the methods by which these appliances can reduce over-consumption.

Electrical consumer ship

 Dubai has been recognized by researchers as part of the top cities that are on the waste generation list. The consumption patterns need to be considered to adhere to the three R's: Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce (Herteg et al., 2015, 132). The high electricity consumption in the UAE and specifically Dubai has been reported to be very high globally. According to the World Bank Report 2018, electrical appliances have been recorded to account for approximately 47 percent of the consumption rates annually. This is one factor that I agree with particularly. The lack of sustainable products has led to increased waste production and overconsumption of energy. Therefore, home appliance manufacturers, including the government, should shift their focus to saving energy. Thus, the UAE should set regulations that ensure there is the production of energy-efficient appliances. The appliances include refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters dishwashers, and washing machines.

Household appliances can be made efficient to utilize very minimal amounts of energy and complete the required task at the same time. These appliances can operate on lower temperature and energy settings and sustain the functionality until the completion of the task (Rakhshan et al., 2013, 104). This basically lets the consumer feel the value of the appliance for the price paid for. As the researchers suggest, responsible agencies should therefore focus mainly on the production of appliances that maximize the saving of energy. The city of Dubai should instead opt for energy-sufficient appliances mainly because:

  • They enhance energy conservation and complete their tasks. By conservation of energy, much of the energy that could be spent to do a little task is saved for some other activity. This becomes innovative in letting a machine do a task with less energy as compared to an appliance that is not considered sustainable and energy-saving.
  • The energy-efficient appliance saves consumers money. They reduce energy bills. This cuts on home expenditures and workplaces. Since homes in Dubai spend an average of $5,500 in energy per year, the amount can be reduced to $2,500 annually (Bell et al., 2012, 74). This can be done by replacing bulbs with energy-saving light LEDs or CFDs, using Energy Star-rated refrigerators and solar water heaters (Bell et al., 2012, 74). The appliances should act as advocates that point out long-term savings and newer and energy-efficient options.
  • Appliances minimize the exploitation of natural resources. The resources include natural gas, oil, coal, and water (Bell et al., 2012, 77). At the same time, the use of such appliances controls pollution. The generation of energy from oil, coal, and natural gas leads to water, soil, and air pollution through industrial effluents and emissions (Bell et al., 2012, 78). These energy-efficient appliances help control pollution.
  1. Refrigerators

            According to the Emirates Authority for Standards & Metrology: Households Refrigerating Appliances, these appliances are expected to meet regulations that; defrosting type, temperature rise time, freezing capacity, storage compartment, overall space required, and energy consumption rate. Manufacturers shall manufacture and supply only products that comply with the set regulations. Correct energy labels shall be provided to the products (2015, 7).

  1. Household air conditioners

            According to the Emirates Authority for Standards & Metrology: Households Air Conditioners, the appliances should meet requirements that include; energy consumption, cooling capacity, Power input, tolerance, and energy consumption (2015, 8)

  1. Washing Machines and dryers

According to the Emirates Authority for Standards & Metrology: Households Refrigerating Appliances, the products should have electrical safety, drum volume, and rated capacity (2015, 10). The drum volume has been emphasized to increase the work done at the expense of less energy.

  1. Storage water heaters

According to the Emirates Authority for Standards & Metrology: Households Storage Water Heaters, It should have voltage ratings, frequency ratings, Arabic instruction that should be provided along with the product, electrical safety and performance, and energy efficiency label (2015, 8).

Water fixtures.

            Dubai’s growth has produced major problems including sewage treatment operations that have struggled to keep up with industrialization (O’Mahony et al., 2015, 93). Therefore, regulations have to augment the natural water resources, reduce demand, and achieve higher efficiency as part of the increasing demand for the available water resources. When the conservation of water is approved, less water is used, therefore it won’t be wasted by people (Sayigh, 2013, 68). As the researchers O’Mahony et al (2015, 93) and Sayigh (2013, 68) argue, less water, therefore, becomes contaminated. In most cases, excess amounts of water put strains on sewage systems leading to the contamination of groundwater. According to the researchers’ arguments, it is worth noting that water conservation, therefore, reduces energy consumption and saves household money. Appliances that use water such as washing machines may also use considerable amounts of energy in the city of Dubai.

            Water generated by the UAE comes as a byproduct of thermal energy plants. These resource demand cycles (Cook et al., 2012, 74). Since electricity has high demands whereas water demands are as good as flat infrastructure can never be optimized for either resource. The constraints in the reclamation and recycling of water have been prominent not only in the UAE but also in Dubai (Karlsson et al. 2015, 11). In my personal view, this can be improved by employing recycling methods, the city will be spared of the reliance on desalinated water. However, the use of these methods may not help solve the problem due to the insufficiency of infrastructures meant for recycling and also leakages that lead to further losses not only in Dubai but also in the entire UAE.

            Manufacturers may produce appliances that save on water, for instance, water-saving toilets. Literally, 4.8 billion gallons of water are flushed down. Sustainable toilet manufacturers may fashion toilets that use as little water as possible. Dual flush toilets may offer different water levels for less liquid waste and more for solid waste. This can help the UAE in the avoidance of unnecessary flushing of water.

            Water-saver sprinkler bodies can help conserve water and at the same time ensure that flowers bloom and the grass stays green (Isa et al., 2015, 448). As the researchers suggest residents of the city of Dubai should install the water sprinklers in the sites where the system pressure is higher than what is recommended for the nozzle. This can often lead to excessive flow rates.

  1. Water sensors

Homes should install these devices that detect water and alert you. They can automatically shut off the water system to prevent further waste (Isa et al., 2015,448). Some may be hooked directly to the main water supply and constantly track the water flow to prevent the smallest leaks. Water is life. UAE residents use approximately 500 liters of water daily as compared to the international average of 300 liters a day. A large amount of this water is spent on recreational activities, home utility, and industrial use. With the increased rate of industrialization in Dubai, the amount of water that is being used to contain the ever-growing city. This brings a constraint in the water reserve that exists in the city. The largest household water is when flushing the toilet, and taking showers and baths.


Some of the solutions that were considered effective included the management of legislation. This is one method that may provide safety to the people and the environment. Once regulations are set, implementations of the laws have to be made effective by ensuring that the companies are not only doing the right thing but also the appliances have instructions attached to help the consumer in using them. The EESL standards advocate for such methods to be done by manufacturing companies.

Alternative methods can be used in place of electricity. They include geothermal power, solar power, marine energy, and wind. This is likely to have a significant positive impact on the environment. Moreover, wastewater treatment can be considered instead of desalination. In this way, unneeded water will have the contaminants removed and render it safe for consumption.  Wastewater treatment reduces waste and removes harmful bacteria and chemicals in a water supply. This not only protects humans, but also protects wildlife, fish, and plants.


Economic development has made numerous achievements that have adopted the techniques that have proved harmful to the environment we reside in. As populations grow, the rates of the consumption of natural resources have put a big stress on the environment. The need for sustainable development has aimed to give products that are not harmful to the environment.

The literature review has attempted to address some of the ways in which manufacturers can help in the race toward a sustainable environment. Apparently, home appliances have been manufactured for many years. These appliances have been a major contributor to the pollution of the environment. For instance, electronic appliances such as refrigerators, water heaters, and so forth have been designed to consume too much energy and provide less work. This has led to excessive use of electricity and thus continues a waste of energy. The case applies to water fixtures. Home use of water has been a worrying case. Faucets, bathrooms, and water taps have contributed largely to the waste of water.

Moreover, industrialization in Dubai has contributed largely to the rising water pollution rates experienced in the city. The paper gives various solutions. Some of the solutions are those that have been implemented through government regulations such as EESL and ESMA. These companies have sought to ensure that the war toward a sustainable environment is complete. Thus, they have ensured that companies operating within the UAE follow the requirements they have set one the products manufactured.

Various solutions were offered to manufacturers in this review which can help the achievement of a sustainable environment through the manufacture of safe appliances. Apparently, sustainable issues that are related to global concerns have not been well addressed. Although initiatives have been put in place, not much progress has been made. There is a lack of commitment and awareness among the locals regarding the implementation of sustainable development initiatives.

Finally, there have been a few gaps that the literature review has not been able to address, this includes civic education. Many residents in the city of Dubai are not aware of the significance of sustenance. According to a study, 60 percent of the residents are not aware that appliances deplete the sustenance of energy resources and the environment. The government should therefore ensure that the public living in and out of Dubai is taught about these merits through paid adverts on television, social media sites, and print media. These are the most effective means that will reach a large mass of people at the same time.



Reference list

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Emirates Authority for Standards & Metrology: Household Air Conditioners. 2013 p.8

Emirates Authority for Standards & Metrology: Washing Machine. 2013 p.10-13

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Sayigh, A., 2013. Sustainability, energy, and architecture: Case studies in realizing green buildings. Academic Press.p.46-69

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