The Media, Looks, and Perceptions









The Media, Looks, and Perceptions

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The Media, Looks, and Perceptions

How Advertisements, Media, and Fairy Tales help create a Positive Impression on Attractive People than Unattractive People

            The media portrays the impression that beautiful and pleasing persons are more acceptable to society (Fulgoni & Lipsang (2017). The Journal of Advertising Research reveals that the use of models for commercials and in advertisements is a clear depiction that these companies trust that their products will be more marketable if used by individuals who are aesthetically appealing rather than someone who is unattractive. Fulgoni & Lipsang (2017) further assert that in movies and fairy tales, good characters are handsome and beautiful, while evil characters are disfigured and ugly. According to Fulgoni & Lipsang (2017), outward ugliness is used as a benchmark to depict the ugliness of the heart. The belief that beautiful is good and ugly is wicked even though it is perpetuated heavily by media, and this paper will discuss how positive impressions can be made about aesthetically imperfect individuals (Fulgoni & Lipsang, 2017).

            Fulgoni & Lipsang (2017) Emphasize that there should be more unattractive people in the media. Unattractiveness is also positive and should be embraced. The press should not shy away from casting the limelight on unattractive actors. For instance, Clint Eastwood achieved more in his career the more he appeared disheveled. There are also actresses who have taken the bold leap and taken up roles that make them be considered unattractive. Such people should get equal opportunity to thrive in the movie industry, just as attractive actors (Fulgoni & Lipsang, 2017). Some unattractive people have taken up leadership positions and led the army. For example, the greatest military leaders that America has had were pretty unappealing. George S. Patton, Dwight Eisenhower, and Omar Bradley are some of these notable leaders. Given the facts above, the media ought to showcase the success of unattractive people in equal measure. This will encourage those who are not blessed with good looks.

            Given the above facts, it is certain that there exist diverse fields that unattractive people can pursue and will not be judged based on their physical attributes. It is the skills and educational background that count in these fields, and not the looks, so it is not all doom for unattractive individuals. The media is out to influence perceptions and the moment everyone realizes that, and then people's looks will not form the basis of our judgments.




Fulgoni, G. M., & Lipsman, A. (2017). The downside of digital word of mouth and the pursuit of media quality: How social sharing is disrupting digital advertising models and metrics. Journal of Advertising Research, 57(2), 127-131.

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